Was A Drinker
1. He lived two thousand years ago, when he came from outter space
and though he was a real human being, on earth he got no place...
Refrain: Jesus was a drinker +++ he was just a sentimental guy hey
hey hey +++ Jesus liked Jack Daniels +++ and he knew he`s gonna die...
2. When he was a young man, at the age of twenty five, there was only
one woman, that was important in his life. +++ Her name was Marie
Magdalena and she was a well known whore, but this was the biggest
problem, he couldn`t marry her no no no...
3. And Jesus stumbled through his life, he did a lot of funny things,
he walked across the water, and helped some helpless blinds to see.
+++ He could speak to all the demons, that hung around in Tennessee,
and when he found out , how to turn water into wine, he tried a little
gulp of it, and the wine tasted so fine...
Refrain... |