Miss Lizzy
1. Dizzy Miss Lizzy she lies on the bed +++ All the cherry cream cakes
make her ugly and fat +++ She gets no boy and gets no girl +++ Nobody
loves her in the whole wide world +++ And Lizzy eats more cream cakes
one after another +++ She stays all alone and finds no lover +++ And
Lizzy isn`t stupid she gets an idea +++ She says look at these pretty
little poodles here +++ I`m going to the store and buy me one +++
And then I`m gonna have some fun +++ So come on lick my pussy little
poodle dog!
Refrain: And then she says: Come on come on come on little poodle
poodle dog +++ Gonna lick my pussy until I drop +++ And if you don`t
do what I tell you +++ I´m gonna make some meat balls out of
you +++ So come on lick my pussy little poodle dog!
2. Dizzy Miss Lizzy she lies on the bed +++ All the cherry cream cakes
make her ugly and fat +++ She gets no boy and gets no girl +++ Nobody
loves her in the whole wide world +++ And Lizzy eats more cream cakes
one after another +++ She stays all alone and finds no lover
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