THE LEGENDARY SHOTDOWNS: 4 Ave Marias for a fistful of Bullshit. Joey Ramone meets Johnny Cash to sing songs Chuck Norris would die for! HISTORY A true story about Cows, Farmers and how Rock'n'Roll became COWPUNK!
MARKUS OTHER BANDS: L.P.S (Leposi Pi Syndrom) Puerco Del Desierto ANDYS OTHER BAND/PROJECTS: Bomb Texas Landbierquartett
FRIENDS BANDS: Blind Eyes Watching Lost Ideals The Marples Fastbeat Superchargers The GoFasterNuns Zwangsversteigerte Doppelhaushälften The Ragbags
FESTIVALS, CLUBS, PARTIES ETC.: Glashaus Bayreuth Das Zentrum Bayreuth Blaubar Bamberg Musikzentrale Nürnberg Waldstock-OpenAir Pegnitz